The hungarian way - Targeted central bank policy

Kód: 22-301724
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Várható kézbesítés:
2025. 03. 31.

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The primary objective of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank is to ensure price stability, while under its mandate it also promotes financial stability and uses its available instruments to support the Government's economic policy. Readers are holding the third volume in the technical book series published by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank in their hands. "The Hungarian Way - Targeted Central Bank Policy" presents and analyses in detail the measures implemented since 2013, during the Magyar Nemzeti Bank turnaround as well as the effects of those measures, while surveying the global context with respect to the changes in central bank policies in recent decades. The significance of the Hungarian way lies in the fact that traditional central bank approaches were successfully complemented by innovative, well-targeted measures that were sometimes considered unconventional and that took into account the unique features of the economy and experiences from the crisis that led to the paradigm shift, thereby generating substantial and sustained results in the Hungarian economy. With this book, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank complies with its statutory obligations and mainly seeks to help improve financial literacy and economic thinking in Hungary, while providing useful reading to all those interested in the topic.

Kiegészítő paraméterek

Kategória: International Economy
Kiadó: Magyar Nemzeti Bank, 2017
ISBN: 9786155318146
Kötés: keménytábla, védőborító
Oldalszám: 955

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