Stieg Larsson, My Friend

Kód: 22-257281
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Várható kézbesítés:
2025. 03. 12.

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3000 átvételi pont
Több mint 3000 átvételi pont
az egész Felvidéken

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Stieg Larsson is best known as the author of the Millennium Trilogy, but during his career as a journalist he was a crucial protagonist in the battle for democracy in Sweden and in Europe, and one of the founders of the anti-facist magazine Expo. Kurdo Baksi first met Larsson in 1992; it was the beginning of an intense friendship, and a fruitful but challenging working relationship. In this candid and rounded memoir Baksi answers the questions already asked by a multitude of Larsson's readers, about his upbringing and his passions, about the death threats, and the inspirations behind his now-immortal characters. Stieg Larsson, My Friend is an eloquent and troubling insight into the life of a man who is now one of the world's bestselling authors.

Kiegészítő paraméterek

Kategória: Életrajz
Szerző: Baksi, Kurdo
ISBN: 9780857381965
Kötés: ragasztott
Oldalszám: 144

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