Imre Makovecz (1935-2011)

Kód: 22-288488
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Márka: none
Kiadói készleten
Várható kézbesítés:
2025. 04. 09.

Részletes információ

Minden könyvhöz
könyvjelzőt adunk ajándékba
3000 átvételi pont
Több mint 3000 átvételi pont
az egész Felvidéken

Termék részletes leírása

Imre Makovecz (19352011), the founder of the Hungarian organic architecture school, is probably the only Hungarian architect whose work is known and recognized throughout the world from Japan to South America. He began his creative work in the early 1960s, when Soviet-style socialism peaked in Hungary. Even his frst designs radiate a solid aware ness of responsibility that is captured and expressed, thanks to his extraordinary artistic skills, in vision-like drawings: he was talking about the organic unity of man and nature. This is what he expressed through the shapes of his buildings, this is the unbreakable relationship that he described in his writings, and all this before the Club of Rome was formed, under the pressure of a dictatorship in a small country that was intellectually secluded from the rest of the world.

Kiegészítő paraméterek

Kategória: Architecture
Szerző: Götz Eszter
Kiadó: Makovecz Imre Alapítvány, 2016
ISBN: 9786155461101
Kötés: keménytábla, védőborító
Oldalszám: 278

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