Central Europe 2020

Kód: 22-325364
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Kiadói készleten
Várható kézbesítés:
2025. 04. 04.

Részletes információ

Minden könyvhöz
könyvjelzőt adunk ajándékba
3000 átvételi pont
Több mint 3000 átvételi pont
az egész Felvidéken

Termék részletes leírása

The future of Europe, and in turn the future of the European Union depends on whether it can create an integrated and politically, economically and intellectually-culturally homogeneous region and institutional system which all citizens and all nations of the Union-rather more than less-can feel to be their own, which has an identity allowing identification for all. Central Europe can contribute its deep-rooted historical experience, culture and creative energy to the formation of this common identity. And it is right to expect in return that it should be assigned the position of an equal partner and ally-in both political and spiritual-moral terms. In this sense we can argue that the future of Europe depends on the full integration of Central Europe, but the success of this integration is by no means decided in Central Europe only! Success demands our common, European effort. Tartalomjegyzék: Prefatory Thoughts Why Is the Nation Different Here? (Cs. G. K.) Myths and Symbols-Mutual Stereotypes (Cs. G. K. Imperial Integration or Federation? (Cs. G. K.) The Fall of Communism in Central Europe (I. B.) Minorities and Democracy? (I. Gy.) Dilemmas of Remembrance (Cs. G. K.) Cooperation in Central Europe After 1989 (I. Gy.) Central Europe Within the European Union (I. B.) Will the Future of Europe Really Be Decided in Central Europe? Selected Bibliography

Kiegészítő paraméterek

Kategória: General, Reference Books
Szerző: Bába Iván, Kissg. Csaba, Gyurcsík Iván
Kiadó: Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete, 2021
ISBN: 9786155742309
Kötés: papír / puha kötés
Oldalszám: 192

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